Inverted Pyramid

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Inverted pyramid is a form of writing that we use. It is an upside down triangle that on the base is the important information or facts about the topic. That means that whatever goes in the base of the triangle is what goes on or in the lead paragraph. Then the non-essential information appears in the other paragraphs or “nut” graphs, in the order of how important they are. Essential information is like that the 5 W’s Who, What, When, Where, Why. The “nut” graph is like extra details that were in the story or article that you had read. They could even be quotes or statistics, background or other information. The inverted pyramid was used back in the old days when they would send out telegraphs because the important information would go first then the other stuff would come after. This also helped the editors because if they needed to cut an article then they could just simply cut from the bottom and the important information could remain at the top. To me this would be a very useful to way to write. This could help the kids now a days in there school work and essays that they have to do for class. 


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